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Driving efficiency:

How an automotive supplier became the hero with our Metaloop Portal

Our customer is a renowned automotive supplier specializing in the production of sealing systems and components for the automotive industry. The company's products are used in various systems such as engines, transmissions, and exhaust systems. It has a global presence with production sites and sales offices located all over the globe.


Inefficient management puts the business at risk

The team faced a significant challenge with their post-production metal scrap. Over the years, they had been tendering their metal scrap with regional dealers, leading to a high volume of overhead, communication, and claims. Additionally, obtaining relevant documents and waste data was a time-intensive and frustrating process.


Revolutionizing metal scrap management

To overcome these challenges, the customer partnered with us and adopted the Metaloop Portal solution. This enabled them to tender their materials Europe-wide and plan and monitor all transactions in advance, without high efforts of communication. By shortening the supply chain and delivering the material directly to smelting facilities, the claim issues were resolved. On top of that, the purchasing department now has access to all relevant documents and volume reports in the Metaloop Seller account for all finalized transactions.


Empowering customer teams to save time, money, and energy

As a result, the purchasing department of our customer was able to identify better ways to market their material, leading to better prices and zero claims by shortening the supply chain from the production site directly to a smelting facility.

The operations department is now working independently in our Metaloop Portal, optimizing its material handling service. Both the purchasing and operations departments now have complete visibility on all transactions and can access all documents on our platform, from any device and location.

This has had a significant impact on their business, including increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved transparency.

Don't let inefficient metal scrap management hold your business back

Switch to Metaloop for reliable solutions, and experience the convenience, transparency, and growth that your business deserves.