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Going the distance:

How one company overcame metal recycling challenges across borders

Our customer is a Belgian packaging manufacturer with a global presence, that provides a range of packaging products, including folding cartons, flexible packaging, and labels, to meet the diverse needs of its customers.

They have a strong commitment to sustainability and utilize environmentally friendly materials and production processes whenever possible. One part of their processes is the printing line for all types of packaging. In this process, litho sheets are needed and a high volume needs to be recycled on a regular basis. The company has a global presence, with production facilities in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.


Streamlining litho sheet recycling across multiple production facilities

Over the last years, the company tried to bundle all metal scrap recycling contracting and sales operations in the central european purchasing department but failed. All sites in Europe were using different strategies, processes, and tools for recycling litho sheets. The central European purchasing team struggled to keep an overview of all recycling operations.


One solution to transform management and delivery processes

We stepped in with a solution to manage and tender litho sheet volumes, as well as plan and monitor pickups and deliveries for every site in Europe. By bundling all European volumes, we were able to deliver them to one specialized smelter, optimizing the process and delivering higher revenues for the customer.


Greater visibility and control over recycling operations in Europe

The result? Our client uncovered the vital link they had been missing in their European operations, embracing a singular sourcing solution that not only boosted revenues but also streamlined their processes. The ownership for the pickup planning and monitoring stays with the regional teams and the central European purchasing department of the group enjoys complete transparency.

In short, our solution has enabled our customer to increase efficiency and improve sustainability, while unlocking new revenue streams. With Metaloop as a partner, the customer can continue to focus on what they do best: providing top-quality packaging solutions to clients across the globe.

Don't let inefficient metal scrap management hold your business back

Switch to Metaloop for reliable solutions, and experience the convenience, transparency, and growth that your business deserves.